Here Is Your Spirit Emoji, Based On Your Myers Briggs Personality Type
By Lily Li
ESTP: The Smirk
It’s a foolproof way to troll all of your friends.
ESFP: The Heart Eyes
Oh, I like that. Monkey see, monkey do.
ENTP: The Flame
Everyone gets compliments. It’s lit!
ENFP: The Red Heart
There’s just way too much love to spread! Time to spam the group chat with a bazillion hearts!
ESTJ: The Receptionist
You tell ‘em what to do.
ENTJ: The Crying Laugh
Keeping the conversation going since the beginning.
Yep, that’s a good one oh, wait there’s a great one!
ENFJ: The Kissy Wink
Because you’re hella more expressive than the INFJ.
ISTJ: The Thumbs-Up
There’s your seal of approval. Now you can go back to whatever you were doing.
ISFJ: The Blush
Nice and classy, just like you.
INTJ: The Poop
You honestly don’t give a shit about sending a shit.
INFJ: The Wink
Because you’re just more composed than the ENFJ.
ISTP: The Upside-Down Smile
Honestly, no one understands. It just clicks.
ISFP: The Ghost
Quirky and spontaneous, as you are.
INFP: The Cheeky Tongue
Just enough emotion to not seem overbearing. Plus, subtle flirting. Double check.
INTP: None, Dummy
Good one you don’t even use emojis. Texting is overrated.