Here’s To The Girl Who Has Been Through So Much Because Of Love


I know you’re not okay. I can feel your pain. That gut-wrenching, stabbing pain in your heart that’s casting dark gloomy clouds around your life. All because of love. And all because of a man you thought was your hero. I’ve been there too (quite a number of times, actually).

At first he wooed you with sweetness and charm. Who can resist those cutesy smiles and “stolen stares” that are meant to melt your heart?

He gave you a lot of happy memories. He gave you various reasons to smile. He made you feel special. He’s put you on a pedestal to worship and love. But just when you thought that everything is perfect, everything you knew came falling apart.

He changed. He became a person you didn’t know. He used your emotions to make you a prisoner of his dark spell. He lured you in and when you least expect it, he suddenly pulled back and left you hanging alone in midair.

He gave you promises he does not intend to keep. Or maybe, he just doesn’t have the courage to make those words come true in fear of losing his game. Either way, he’s hurt you already.

Now, all that’s left is a broken heart. Shattered into pieces as tears continue to pour like rain from your lifeless eyes. Mind, body, and soul have become numb from the realization that your emotions have betrayed you, casting you into a sorrowful fate.

You should have realized it sooner. But love can cloud the judgment of a rational person – even the most sensible ones. There is no point in seeing yourself in the mirror while counting your regrets. There is no point in saying, “I shouldn’t have…”

Fortunately, as long as you’re breathing, you still have a chance for survival. Come on, you can’t just cave in from your misery. You know you’re better than that.

Believe in yourself again. Dry up your tears. And slowly stand in your own two feet. You have lived without him before and you can live without him again.

Yes, I know it’s very hard to do. Don’t you think other women (like me) haven’t suffered too? But you know what most strong women do? They wake up from their own tragic nightmare. They know it’s time to move on towards a future without the pain, the memories, and the loneliness.

Just reach out to the people around you. Let them know you’re not asking for sympathy. But rather, you’re asking for their companionship as you go through a dark time in your life. Tell them your story. Listen to their comforting wisdom. And start your own recovery. Remember the old cliché (which still stands true, btw)? Nobody can heal your broken heart but yourself.

Take advantage of time. Give yourself time to feel the pain, let it go, and mend the pieces of your tattered existence. Don’t keep on revisiting the past. Let the memories fade into the shadows of history.

Most importantly, if he comes back sauntering into your life like everything never happened, shove him to his own shame. Don’t let him hurt you again. And let your defenses stand firm as you become a better version of yourself. This is probably the best gift you can give to the new and stronger YOU.