Here’s What Happens When You Leave Everything Behind And Drive Across The Country


I did it.

I drove nearly 3000 miles over the course of six days as I drove across the from Boston to Los Angeles. It was hard. I started the trip by myself. About 4 minutes after I drove away from my sobbing parents, I really started to internally freak out. But I kept going. I never looked back and I never stopped. I kept driving. I drove from Massachusetts to California partially by myself and partially with my little sister and it was an unforgettable experience I will have for the rest of my life.

It was lonely driving by myself but once I hit Nashville, Tennessee I joined forces with my little sister. Downtown Nashville was awesome. The lights, the people, the atmosphere. Dallas, Texas was another one of my favorite stops. The arts district occupied my sister and I for several hours. I saw more in one week then I had in the past 25 years.

Truth be told, my favorite stop was my final stop: Los Angeles.

I’ve been here for about two weeks now, although it seems much longer. That first day I got here I was still so jetlagged from the time differences throughout my ride that it didn’t hit me until a few days later. It hit me hard, and I really started to feel sad as I questioned myself. I felt extremely overwhelmed and wasn’t sure how I should handle it. I miss my friends back in Boston so much. I miss my family. I miss a lot.

I feel so lucky that I live in an age where we have facetime. Facetime has helped.

I know I left a lot behind and allowing myself to feel sad allowed me to release those feelings of worry. Once I was able let go of that energy, I could focus on all that I have going on here. The apartment I moved into is beautiful. The view is amazing and I feel so comfortable with my surroundings. My roommate and I get along so well and I truly wonder how I got so lucky. I have my two cousins who already live here who have supported me and made me feel at home. The area I live in is awesome and the weather is perfect. I was so surprised at how quickly it took me to adjust and settle in.

I start a brand-new job in casting on Monday. As you may have guessed, I have no experience in casting. My roommate helped me get an interview and just like that I have my first job in casting. Things move quickly here in LA and there is so much going on. Diving into something so far outside my comfort zone has pushed me to feel equally terrified as I am excited. But I’m doing it. And I’m going to give it everything I got.

So, what have I learned?

Well I’m still learning. We are always learning. There is always more to learn and being open minded brings knowledge that really pushes you to think. But I learned that I am capable of more than I thought.

Life is too short to stay put. There are sights to see and people to connect with. There is so much world out there and many go an entire lifetime without seeing any of it. I don’t know what’s ahead but I am in it for the ride. I am going to continue to put myself out there and jump outside my comfort zone.

Being scared or feeling uncomfortable doesn’t mean you call it quits or run away. You keep on pushing, because that is when you start to see what you are truly capable of.