How To Lose A Girl Who Wears Her Heart On Her Sleeve


You will lose a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve by making her feel guilty every time she opens up to you about her feelings. By acting like she is being overemotional whenever she is brave enough to admit she is upset with something you have done. By making her feel like it’s a mistake to cry in front of you because you are only going to turn away from her. By encouraging her to bottle everything inside when she would rather be open and honest with you.

You will lose a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve by accusing her of making a big deal out of nothing. By disregarding her feelings because you cannot understand where she is coming from. By making her feel like she is not allowed to act excited or annoyed or angry, because you will find a way to make fun of her for feeling.

You will lose a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve by keeping your own heart closed off to her. By refusing to reciprocate when she tells you about her fears or whispers her deepest secrets into your ears. By making her feel like the relationship is one-sided because she is the only one willing to act authentic while you are stuck playing pretend and pushing her away.

You will lose a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve by acting like her emotions are a bother to you. By zoning out whenever she speaks. By pulling away whenever she touches you in public. By making it seem like you would rather be anywhere else than sitting by her side while she cries about a movie or complains about her career.

You will lose a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve by expecting her to give you unrestricted freedom without any questions asked. By keeping your weekend plans to yourself. By forgetting to tell her about your big promotion or that your friend is stopping over later. By keeping her out of the loop, even though she tells you everything.

You will lose a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve by dodging certain topics. By leaving her questions unanswered. By making her guess how you are feeling. By assuming she will be a mind reader. By refusing to have real conversations with her because you are terrified of your own emotions.

You will lose a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve by calling her too sensitive. By acting like she does not have a right to express her emotions. By wishing she would care less like you do.

You will lose a girl who wears her heart on her sleeve by taking advantage of her kindness. By learning her weaknesses and using them against her so that you can get your way. By walking over her because you know she will let you — at least for a little while. At least until she comes to her senses and realizes that leaving you is the best way forward.