How To Make Peace With Fear And Anxiety
ME: Fear is bad.
Feeling your feelings is a sign of weakness, we’ve been told. A vicious circle, you can feel fear feeding thoughts of self-loathing, which further feed the fear, triggering another anxiety attack.
ME: I shouldn’t be afraid.
According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America: “Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and older, or 18% of the population.”
ME: I’m bad because I feel fear.
Everywhere you look, magazines, blogs, and psychiatric professionals try to convince you that you must outthink your feelings of fear. Fear must be controlled, redirected, and eradicated from your life.
“You always get out of life exactly what you tolerate.”
—Tony Robbins
We then seek out higher thoughts to quell our internal conflict, past traumas, and endless niggling insecurities so that we can “function” in society.
You’re not the only one to be swamped by the pressures of a chaotic world telling you that no matter what you do, it’s never enough — you’ll never be enough.
Millions of people, including you and me, have mini to full-out anxiety attacks at least once a week.
ME: My goal is to cope, right?
Step 1: Recognize Fear as an Important Tool
Intense fear feels like suddenly walking into an energetic pain storm. It burns like fire around your solar plexus chakra, between the navel and lower chest.
ME: Yes, please make it go away.
We all feel the pain of fear and anxiety at some point in our lives. If ignored, it manifests as physical pain, health problems, and in extreme cases, outward projections of violence.
ME: I can’t live like this. Why is this happening?
Fear is caused by believing a lie about the present moment.
The stunning truth is that fear is a flashing neon sign you’re telling yourself a lie.
You’ll see why this is true in a few seconds. You’ll even learn how to fully process all your feelings and emotions safely by the end of this article. Every one of them is important.
We’ve been taught that affirmations, positive thinking, and piling on more thought and busyness will end our suffering. We’ve been taught to avoid the pain by covering it up.
ME: But the pain keeps coming.
Pain is nudging you to go beyond pain using itself as a tool.
Step 2: Make Peace With Fear and Anxiety by Reconnecting
It’s ingenious of Creation to use what we call negative emotions to push you to expand beyond your comfort zone, don’t you think?
Holistically, the dual positive/negative energy of life (including your thoughts/emotions/feelings) works in unity, keeping life in perfect balance. This includes you. Nothing is wasted.
“Law of Attraction teachings advising you to avoid negative energy have only served to create greater imbalances in the world.” TWEET THIS
Let’s try out your new tool.
ME: I’m all alone.
It hurts because it’s a lie. You may be alone in front of this article, but ask yourself if you’re really all alone in the world?
Expand your point of view, which is your level of awareness or consciousness.
Look around you. Are birds chirping nearby? Are people within reach?
Now feel how everything is pulsating with life under its own power. Feel everything as if it’s you—even the chair you are sitting in vibrating with life at the atomic level.
ME: I’m having trouble feeling it.
Feel the trees swaying in the wind, the heat of the sun, or the splash of raindrops upon your face.
If reconnecting with your feeling nature is slow, keep practicing; it gets easier as you surrender.
Fear is asking you to let go of your tight reigns of control on your world to reconnect with the aliveness of all life, thus putting you back in the flow of the now moment, which is Truth.
Fear is limitation itself. Yet, fear is also nudging you to wake up from false beliefs, the biggest fear being death. Hence, all you have to fear is fear itself — for the other is a lie — even death.
“Everything you want is on the opposite side of fear.”
—Jack Canfield
ME: Another example, please. I’m a failure.
We overeat, we drink, we watch endless videos, or blame everyone else for our problems rather than seek out the truth, for we fear our thought is the truth, don’t we?
Fear has already given you the answer. Try for yourself.
ME: How can I be a failure when I’m still a work of art in progress? It’s another lie.
Yes. The truth is, life doesn’t let you fail. Life supports life, remember? You always get another chance.
Each moment of now is another opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life — even if it’s just the warm feeling of a shared smile. Fear is asking you to reach out and reconnect.
“Life simply asks us to love and support one another as it does.”
All suffering in the world is created by those who fail to recognize love is the answer to everything. Preoccupations outside loving support for ourselves and each other are not worthy of your time and consideration and will always offer a dead end, as it’s not sustainable to live that way.
Step 3: Working Fear and Anxiety Like a Boss
Thoughts that trigger fear and anxiety are one-dimensional bits of limited information or data. We build tiny lives around micro-bits of information we come to realize aren’t true once we investigate.
Until we investigate, we will defend the lies we tell ourselves, even at our own expense. Fear is prompting you to look again at the bigger picture.
ME: If I understand, fear is telling me I believe a false belief about the now moment.
“A life of freedom from fear and anxiety is created by facing fear head-on.”
E-motions are energy in motion as one of many tools within your Mastermind toolkit. Consciously experiencing and fully processing all your feelings is self-mastery.
The following practice will help you manage fear/anxiety and develop full emotional mastery as you work with both positive and negative energy:
Mind: The head brain (a receiver/transmitter) transmits a thought. Thoughts are not who you are, but are positive/negative creative fragments of data. Your choice is to collaborate with thoughts or to observe them.
Body: The body generates a feeling of pleasure or pain based on the reaction of your gut brain (subconscious). If there is fear, rather than returning to thought to rationalize it away, dive into your feelings, going within and breathing deeply. Surrender allows the heart brain (conscious) to feel and process your feelings and emotions until the energy dissipates so that you may respond from a place of choice rather than unconsciously reacting.
Spirit: Invite life to reveal to you an expanded point of view. You may choose to meditate, go for a walk, or seek the support of others. In balance, freedom is achieved as you transcend the polarity of mind and body into your higher power as spirit (superconscious).
Important Note: When we delay or fail to process feelings, they store in your subconsciousness/solar plexus. When triggered, stockpiled feelings can escalate into a windfall of overwhelming emotions.
Dropping Self-Absorption for Greatness
Fear and anxiety may be related to past traumas or the stress of modern living, or happen for reasons unknown. You are even affected by energetic resonance patterns that swirl around you like high and low-pressure weather systems.
ME: I did notice how the energy centers above seem to correspond with the chakras.
You won’t understand every emotional disturbance, nor is it necessary to rehash the past, since the goal is to stop collaborating with destructive thought patterns that dredge up fear and anxiety.
Here are your choices:
- Remain stuck in the limiting self-absorption of separation consciousness.
- Find greatness in the big picture of unity consciousness through reconnection with your feelings.
ME: But, what if I can’t forgive something or someone?
Rather than returning to thought, ask your superconscious to expand your capacity to feel forgiveness. Dive into all the associated feelings that come up in your gut brain, including rage, indignation, sorrow, shame, guilt, etc., as needed.
Feeling your feelings allows the fire of purification to burn away excess energy, preventing later misdirection. If you cut off one feeling, you diminish them all — everything is connected!
This is your peace.
“Allowing negative feelings back into your life brings back the positive ones with them. Now you are fully alive!”
Eleanor Roosevelt once said that every time you feel your feelings, “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.”
Eventually, feelings move to the background, as do thoughts, the more you are plugged into higher consciousness. Like a diamond, your highest nature shines from the inside out.
Your brilliant future here now is one of reunion with all life, as life itself, so that you flow with the support being offered to you to reach your highest potential.
Are you feeling stronger now that you know you are unconditionally loved and supported?
Are you ready to break old habits that are no longer serving you?
Are you feeling the lightness of being of infinite possibility within your life?
Are you ready to play and have fun?