How To Prosper In Your God Given Strength In 3 Easy Steps


Did you know that your greatest strength has the potential to also be your greatest weakness?

That’s because anything that God gives us, Satan tries to pervert.

Satan sought to disable my gift of communication in a couple of ways. First he tried to prevent me from ever speaking in the first place by causing insecurity to consume me. From an early age he whispered lies to me like:

You have nothing worthwhile to say.

Why would anyone ever listen to you?

Besides, you’re nobody.

It worked. For years I believed him.

Did you notice the progression of lies? He starts out with a subtle lie that mostly seems true. Once that becomes embedded into our belief system, he gradually launches bigger missiles that over time immobilize us.

That’s his mission—to immobilize you. What lies have you allowed to penetrate your mind and cause you to set down your strength?

Let me let you in on a secret: Satan attacks in infancy what he fears in maturity.

In other words he attacks the areas that threaten him by convincing you that you are inadequate. The truth is that you are powerful and he is afraid that when you pick up your strength you will crush his plans.

Consider Carrie. Carrie had the gift of compassion. Satan was afraid of Carrie. He knew that if she was able to encourage others they would no longer be bound.

Satan sought to immobilize her compassion. First he assaulted her with a lie that could be true in some situations in order to establish himself as her ally.

People you care about can’t change without your help.

Once she believed the lie to be true in all situations, he knew he had gained territory. Next, he began to further embellish the truth and strategically fed her more lies.

They aren’t changing. You must not be trying hard enough.

If you really cared enough, they would change.

Satan convinced Carrie that when others didn’t receive her help it was her fault. So Carrie tried harder. She abandoned all of her own needs to rescue others. She enabled. She did things for others that they should have done for themselves.

That’s when the weight of everyone else’s issues manifested physically and Carrie began to have anxiety attacks.

Now satan had her exactly where he wanted her.

Devastated. Depleted. Full of anxiety and ready to give up.

“What are you most anxious about?” I asked her one day.

“Not being able to help someone,” she said.

Carrie carried the weight of not only her own problems, but the problems of others. Her love for others and deep desire to see others comforted in their trials caused her deep distress when she couldn’t fix their pain.

What she couldn’t fix Carrie carried. Satan twisted her greatest strength into a weakness that would disable her.

Her greatest strength became her own downfall.

Until revelation hit in our coaching session.

That’s when her strength returned. Her compassion was no longer twisted into weaknesses that left her ineffective because Carrie was able to apply three easy steps to destroy the lies of the enemy and resume her position in Christ.

Maybe you’ve been deceived by the enemies lies to disable you.

If so, I have good news. You can apply these three easy steps to take back the ground that the enemy has stolen from you.

1. Recognize

Just like Carrie couldn’t help anyone who wouldn’t receive her encouragement or advice, God can’t fix what you don’t recognize. You can’t release a false belief that you’re unaware of.

Your recovery won’t come until you recognize you’re bearing a burden you’re not equipped to carry. God can’t fix what you won’t acknowledge

2. Repent

Next you must repent. In my situation, I had to repent for allowing thoughts that contradicted God’s word to shape my belief system. I told myself lies that devalued what God created—me.

In Carrie’s situation, she had to repent for trying to do God’s job. Her job was to show compassion and give encouragement, not to try to save others. Only God can save people.

The reason so many have trouble with breaking bondage of false beliefs is because they ignore this vital step. Without repentance, your efforts to discard the lies of the enemy are only temporary. If you skip the second step the enemy has the legal right to tempt you to take back his lies.

Like a boomerang your issues will keep coming back until you default into embracing your old beliefs, habits and behavior.

But…when you repent, the last step of release is the easiest step of all. Here’s why: Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy (Proverbs 28:13).

3. Release

Are you ready to prosper? Once you’ve repented, the release is a smooth transition into taking back your strength.

It’s easy to let go when your slate has been wiped clean. Your eyes are open to the deceit of the enemy. You’ve recognized his plan and will not fall for it again. Wisdom guides you. Repentance has justified you and your release of your weaknesses will empower you to press on for the mark of the prize of your high calling.