How To Rediscover Yourself Through Selfies In 7 Days
These days, it’s getting easier and easier to lose yourself, lose sight of what you want, lose faith in what you believe in. Every now and then I like to take a break and do a reality check on myself, make sure I’m still who I think I am VS who I’m expected to be.
If you were to pause and take a minute to look through your “Photos of You” album on Facebook, what would you see? Does it accurately paint a picture of the person you are? Often times, our smile is just the right balance between too much and too little, the tilt of our head/jawline/cheek just the right angle to capture our best side, the glimmer in our eyes a guilty indication that we’re much too aware of ourselves.
For once, let go of that need to look pretty and present your “best” self. Truth is, you are your best when you are, simply and truthfully, just you.
When was the last time you took a picture of yourself that just represented YOU? So if you’re up for rediscovering the real you, try out this 7-day challenge. I look forward to seeing your pictures. Remember to tag #7dayselfie.
Day 1: The Big Head Big Grin
Hold your camera up close, tilt your head upwards, and grin your biggest grin. Smile until your eyes disappear. And you can see your brains up your nostrils. That’s you at your happiest. Now that you remember what it looks like, aim to do it more often. Honestly, nobody cares what your teeth look like except your dentist, and even then, it’s cuz he’s getting paid to.
Day 2: The Classic Pimple Shot
This time around, don’t shy away from taking pictures just because you have a huge zit on your face people can’t look away from when talking to you. Embrace it. Become one with your pusball. Do not, under any circumstances, use one of those blemish-erasing apps. Don’t you dare. You are beautiful as you are, naturally.
Day 3: The Real OOTD
When you think about putting on something today, don’t think about what’s trendy, or what looks good on you. Think about what you feel like wearing. Don’t care if it doesn’t match, the last time you wore it you were 8 years old, or that your 2-year-old toddler picked it out for you. Just put it on and feel proud. This picture should capture that moment of pride. Because that feeling of wearing what makes you feel comfortable and happy? Welcome to the world of dressing for yourself, not society.
Day 4: The Bad Side
Everyone kinda feels they have one side that looks better, and we try to present this side every time we take a picture. For this one, flip it. Try to make an effort to take a bunch of pictures with your “bad” side. You’ll start to realize you don’t actually have a bad side. You never did.
Day 5: The Candid Paparazzi
Get a friend, family member, other half, stranger to take secret candid pictures of you as you go about your day. And get them to pick their favorite picture of you. It might be a picture you would never pick for yourself, but then again, nobody views you the way you the exact way you view yourself, and your view isn’t the most important in the world. Sometimes it’s nice to open yourself up to another perspective every now and then. You see a lot more that way.
Day 6: The Super Un-Glam Pose
Hand on hips, leg a little bent, facing a 45 degree angle… scrap all that and give me your best un-glamourous pose. Don’t think, just be. Shake your limbs out, let your hair down, and just act silly. As silly as you want, as silly as you can be. Let it go. Let yourself go.
Day 7: The Passport Photo
Fresh faced, no makeup, no hairdo, no rose water face spritz. Just you. Look straight ahead into the camera and smile. Smile like you’ve just gotten a raise. Smile like there’s a batch of fresh cookies waiting for you. Smile like you just got face-licked by your dog. Smile like there are no worries big enough to get you down, the laundry’s done, and tomorrow will be an awesome day. Because it will. Just tap into your deepest self, and smile like you mean it. This is you, beautiful in all your glory. Remember this, hold on to this, and never let this person go.