I Don’t Need You To Be My Other Half, I Just Need To Know You Care


Suddenly, this is what the universe looks like to me. You are like the stars shining brightly and a moon that keeps on glowing when all I have is darkness and struggles. You have been with me during the storms and fair weathers of my life and you are still there when the clouds turn low and dark.

Indeed, you are a meteor in my dying universe.

You are there during the times I do not expect you to lend your shoulder so I could cry until my heart is well enough to start again. You fulfill my smallest wishes from bringing my favorite food to spending most of your time with me. You give so my light and spark that I look for your presence and wait for you while looking up at the sky.

Your care have fueled me with so much hope but like the meteor showers, this does not last long. I can feel the coldness, yet the warmth that once gave me so much life suddenly disappeared as fast as the shooting stars. My universe is not as wonderful as before. The presence of the meteor shower in my life becomes less and less. I forget about my wishes and the moments I have spent with you while we are busy gathering all our hopes and dreams together.

Darling, you have to know the truth. I am expecting too much from this connection but your love is too far for me to reach. I cannot always see you every single day. I cannot wish for your smile and laughter anymore. But, you have to understand you do not need to be my other half, but I need you to care and love me like before.

Do not go away like those tiny creations at night. Do not let me see you as a spark in my lonely sky. I want you to be a part of the universe I am trying to build for myself so we can create beautiful constellations and let the other planets conspire for us. We can build our own version of our world, too. It is okay for me when you would finally find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Yet, I just want to know you still you care.

I cannot tell when the next meteor will come and strike again. I have no idea when the time will come that you need to leave and I need to let you go. Somehow, this universe of us is only temporary. I am glad I have some time to know that I am important and you will always be there to save me from my falls. I hope you can finally find your true half, not because I want it for you, but because you deserve it, too.