I Have No Regrets With You
Goodbye, my best friend.
Goodbye, best friend I ever had.
I know what we had wasn’t perfect,
I know what we had caused a lot of pain,
I know what we had will largely be forgotten.
And our memory will just be a name.
It’s not the stuff that sticks.
It’s not the love letters,
Or the postcards,
Or the beach-front kiss.
It’s not the bad times,
Or the good times,
Or the promises we missed.
Dear girl,
It was the times I glimpsed into your soul.
The moments where your essence shone like a light from the sun,
Where I could see you,
As though for the very first time,
A little girl,
Bright and smiling and filled with seas of wonder.
It was the feeling you get when you truly see and truly love.
Your divine collided with mine,
And for a moment,
We were the same.
We were one.
Presence and surrender wrapped in light and love.
I have no regrets with you, dear friend.
All is permissible.
All the damage is my gift.
All the rage, my teacher.
All the pain is my promise.
All the ways of imperfect love
Turned me inward to find my own perfect love.
I have no regrets with you, dear friend.
For a time,
Your laugh rescued me.
A siren,
Wild and alive,
Something to wake me up
From my sinking slumber.
Thank you for being you.
I forgive you.
I forgive me.
All is permissible.
All is allowable.
All is love.
I have no regrets with you, dear friend.
I will never know you the way I once did.
But in some ways, I will know you better.
I will know you without the damage.
I will see you in pure light,
In the awakening of my own consciousness.
I will see you as a traveler,
A beautiful soul,
Sometimes lost, but always reaching for the depths of love.
For in the end,
As the writer says,
We are all just walking each other home.
I’m just glad that for a little while,
I got to walk alongside you.
I now know, dear friend, how much I love you.
For love is not a selfish thing,
And it demands nothing.
It simply is,
It simply allows.
I will never be that close to you again,
And the love I have for you will be from a distance,
Like a guide.
I will never allow anyone to treat me the way you did,
And for that,
I thank you.
Now I know how I like to loved,
And how I don’t like to be loved.
I have no regrets with you, dear friend.
May your path be filled with light and awakening,
May your beauty enliven as you become more conscious.
May you choose to live with your heart wide open,
And give love freely to all those you choose.
May my eternal thank you
Be heard in all of your days
And all of your decades.
I have no regrets with you, dear friend.
Fly away little bird,
You have my blessing.
And goodbye my best friend.