I Hope You Find A Love That Makes You See The World In Color


I hope you find a love that makes you see the world in color.

It’s the kind of love that makes you see the beauty in the unexpected. A sunrise is no longer just a sunrise; a sunset is no longer just a sunset. The stars in the sky are no longer just stars. They are now paintings of wonder, bits of magic strewn across the heavens.

I hope you find a love that makes you see the world in color.

It’s the kind of love that makes you hear the joy in the ordinary. The stroke of a piano is not just music. A laugh is not just a laugh. A kind word is not just a kind word. “I love you” is not just “I love you.” These are the sounds of life — each note, each smile, each laugh, each word, and every time you receive the words “I love you,” your heart grows. The world becomes brighter, and you are able to see color where things were once black and white.

I hope you find a love that makes you see the world in color.

It’s the kind of love that you feel deep within your being. It’s as if you can feel sunshine on the rainiest, cloudiest, dreariest of days. It’s as if their words and their presence are the biggest, warmest, greatest hugs you have ever received. Their love is palpable and beautiful and what makes your heart sing. Because of their love, you see the beauty in the unexpected. Because of their love, you hear the joy in the ordinary. Because of their love, you’re not afraid of the dark, for you now know what the light feels like. You know how happiness rests upon your skin and melts into your bones.

I hope you find a love that makes you see the world in color.

I hope you paint the world with your happiness and joy.