I Hope You Learn To Say Goodbye


I hope you learn to say goodbye to your past. To say goodbye to all that keeps you awake each night. And I hope you can learn to say goodbye to all that is holding you back right now.

I hope you learn to say goodbye to ghosts from your past. To stop holding onto people who loved you years ago. And to stop loving people who already have let you go. They sadly are never going to come back. They aren’t going to love you no matter how much you still love them. I hope you can let them go. Because truth be told, you deserve a life that isn’t full of the skeletons in your closet and ghosts that haunt your heart.

I hope you learn to say goodbye to negativity. To the regrets that have filled your mind for so long, and the mistakes that you can’t help replaying in your head day after day. I hope you can come to terms with what the past has taught you, and you can finally learn to let it go. I hope you learn to say goodbye to all that you did wrong. Because after all, you can’t take any of that back.

I hope you learn to say goodbye to broken relationships. To all of those people who let you down, and to the people that you let down. I hope you can be able to forgive them, forgive yourself, and move on with your life. I truly hope you learn to say goodbye to those friendships that never gave you strength and positivity. And I hope you can learn to say goodbye to those relationships that had to end.

I hope you learn to say goodbye to things you cannot change. To let go of the harsh words you said to someone when you were hurting, or to your ex you betrayed just because you were feeling lonely. I hope you learn to accept what you have done, and to accept what has already happened. I hope you learn to say goodbye to the whispers in your head that tell you that you messed up big time. I hope you learn to say goodbye to the pictures in your rearview mirror.

I hope you learn to say goodbye to those dark voices in your mind. I hope you learn to say goodbye to those voices that call you fat, and that say that you will never be good enough for anything or anyone. I hope so desperately that you learn to say goodbye to self harm and self hate. You deserve better than to think that you are unlovable. You deserve, at the very least be kind to yourself. I hope you learn to say goodbye to all the things you tell yourself at midnight after a few too many glasses of wine.

I hope you learn to say goodbye to all the hurt, to all the pain you have held in your heart for years, and to all the broken promises that people gave to you. I hope you can learn to say goodbye to the negative echoes in your head, and to finally say goodbye to anyone who doubted you. Say goodbye. Say goodbye to it all. And greet each new day with positivity and light. You can start over, darling. Let that past  go. Let those demons go. And say hello to new beginnings.