I Hope You’re Surprised By Your Capacity For Change
I hope you’re surprised by your capacity for change.
I hope that just when you think you can’t possibly break your routine, or your habit, or whatever it is that has you set in your ways, you do. Maybe you stop eating that sugar right before bedtime and start guzzling water as quickly as you do diet coke, and getting up with the sun, and going to bed when you’re tired. Perhaps when you start to justify why you said “no,” you stop yourself and realize that that little word is a complete sentence. Maybe you set boundaries and keep them. Perhaps you learn to walk away from people who are detrimental to the health of your soul.
I hope you’re surprised by your capacity for change.
I hope that if you get to the point when you think you couldn’t possibly learn something new, you do. Perhaps that means that you start taking a class in something that’s always interested in you, pursuing a new degree or an additional degree. Maybe you keep still long enough to listen to someone else’s point of view. Either way, you have been presented with new information and changed your mind. You have decided to continue to learn and thereby blossom and grow.
I hope you’re surprised by your capacity for change.
I hope that when you think that you couldn’t possibly love after heartbreak, you do, for the pieces of your broken heart will come back together into something bigger, and more beautiful, and new. I hope that when you think that you couldn’t possibly hold any more affection in your heart for the ones you adore, your heart grows a little bit more. You’ll find love in the tiny moments of quiet between the two of you and the sparkly moments of grand gestures and grandeur — and see that love is there in all of those moments, and love will grow in them, too. I hope that you realize that your heart is capable of extraordinary things and grow and expand and change, too.
I hope you’re surprised by your capacity for change, but I hope you never doubt it, too, for you are capable of extraordinary things.
Yes, even you.