I Hope You’re The Reason People Believe In Goodness


I hope you’re the reason people believe in goodness.

I hope the way you listen to people makes them believe in goodness. You listen with an open heart and an open mind, and you let someone fall into your open arms should they need them. You listen not to respond but to let them know that you hear them. You listen because you know that the words and feelings bubbling up within your friend or family member or coworker or the stranger you meet on the street need somewhere to go – and you are happy to be the place for them to land. You are happy to hear their words. You are glad to listen.

I hope you’re the reason people believe in goodness.

I hope the way you see people makes them believe in goodness. You don’t claim to presume to know someone’s intentions based on what you see – you let them show you who they are, you let them tell you, too. You are the person who stops long enough to see the story behind the human. You ask questions about what you’re curious about, and you keep quiet long enough to hear their answer. You see the potential, the goodness, and the beauty in others even when they cannot see it themselves.

I hope you’re the reason people believe in goodness.

I hope the way you love people makes them believe in goodness. You let others know that you love them without fear or hesitation, or trepidation. Your love is never in question – for it is evident in how you speak, how you listen, how you hug, and how you cheer them on to be the best possible version of themselves. It’s there in the messy moments, too – for you can see the shadows and the light that swirl around within a human, and love them, still. You love others not with only your heart – but with every fiber of your being.

I hope you’re the reason people believe in goodness.

I hope people believe in goodness because of you.