I Loved Her, So I Let Her Go


You love her? I asked.

He nodded.

So why did you guys end? Why did you let her go?

Because I don’t know… I wasn’t good for her, I caused her pain and misery. I hurt her over and over again, I can’t fight for what we have and I hated myself for it.

I love it when she stares at me, her innocent smile flashes at me. She love me so much and I took advantage of it. I was toxic for her. But I loved her, I still do. I think a part of me will always will. But she deserved so much more.

I swear it hurts like hell knowing she’ll be with someone else. It is so hard to let her go because there’s a constant battle in my mind between wanting her to be happy and wanting to be the one making her happy. I could also see the pain that she’s feeling just by looking at her face. But I guess sometimes you have to really love someone in a distance so you will not cause them more pain.

I guess this is my way of showing I care, I care enough to stay away. Seeing her happy with someone else reminds me of how it used to be between us. That once upon a time it was me who puts a smile on her face and I am damn scared that she might forget all of it.

But then, I guess I have to embrace you in the silence of my letters.