I’m Happy Where I Am But I Still Miss The Way Things Used To Be
I’m happy with the way things turned out. I’m happy with the path that my life took, with all of the twists and turns that lead me to the place where I am today.
But, even though I’m thankful for the location where I’m living and the people that are surrounding me, I still miss the way things used to be.
I miss the friends that I’ve grown apart from over the years. I miss the family that has moved away and lost touch with me. I miss the days when I could carry around a carefree attitude instead of worrying about when I have to pay my next bill and what time I have to wake up for work.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy with where I am. I’m proud of how far I’ve come. I wouldn’t change any aspect of my life, even if I had the ability to do so.
But that doesn’t mean I can’t miss the past. That I can’t relive the memories that mean the most to me.
In a perfect world, I could call up the friends that I miss and have a reunion with the family that I haven’t seen in years.
But the problem is that things change. I’m older now. I’m different now. Everyone around me is different, too. The people I remember from my memories aren’t the same people right now. They’re new, they’re fresh, they’re practical strangers.
Reconnecting with old friends might sound like the easy choice, but it isn’t always the right choice.
I can’t call up the exes I miss, because in my heart I know that we’re better off keeping our distance from each other. And I can’t go back to the job I miss, because I’ve outgrown it and am ready for bigger things.
I can’t just run back to the past when I’m feeling a little nostalgic, because I don’t belong there. I belong exactly where I am right now.
I’m already where I’m meant to be. I know I am. But I’m allowed to miss the past. I’m allowed to look back at old photographs and tell stories about how much fun my childhood friends were. I’m allowed to flip through yearbooks and social media stalk old crushes to see how they turned out.
I’m allowed to miss the past, but not want to go back to it. I’m allowed to think about how many amazing people I’ve met and places I’ve been, but be ready to move onto better things.
Sure, I miss the way things used to be and a part of me always will, a part of me will always love those old friends and cherish those old memories.
But, the truth is, I’m even happier now than I was back then. I’m an even better, stronger person than I ever was before.