Is The West About To Face A Bunch Of Extremists Randomly Beheading People?
“So this is not just suspicion, this is intent and that’s why the police and security agencies decided to act in the way they have.”
I know, the title sounds like a scare tactic. Unfortunately, it’s not, although it’s not yet clear how widespread this is if it’s widespread at all. But, to the facts, Australian authorities recently broke up a group of 15 Islamic extremists planning to kill and behead Australians in Sydney at the behest of an Aussie Senior Islamic State member. From the BBC:
Police have carried out anti-terror raids in Sydney sparked by intelligence reports that Islamic extremists were planning random killings in Australia.
PM Tony Abbott said a senior Australian Islamic State militant had called for “demonstration killings”, reportedly including a public beheading.
The raids, with at least 800 heavily-armed officers, led to 15 arrests.
One man has been charged with planning an attack. Prosecutors said he planned to “gruesomely” execute someone.
Australian media reports said a plot involved beheading a random member of the public after draping them in an Islamic State flag.
All this is apparently in reaction to the news that Australia is sending 600 troops to fight ISIS in the Middle East. If this had been carried out, it wouldn’t have been the first time an Islamic extremist beheaded a Western civilian on their home turf. The killing and beheading of Lee Rigby in London last year by a Muslim convert is a stark reminder of what a small group of determined individuals can to spread terror should they seat their minds to it.
Even more prescient is the Mumbai attacks of 2008 where 11 Pakistani extremists took to the streets of Mumbai and killed 164 people while wounding over 600 and brought the city to a standstill.
This tactic may have no future at all but then again it may. It’s cheap and simple and it’s something worth watching for.