It’s Fat Shaming Week!


So, I guess #fatshamingweek is a thing humans are doing on Twitter this week. I know this because this happened:

Here’s a few things I’d like these people to consider:

1. Shaming is a statement, not a call to action

Fat shaming is difficult because there’s no argument against it. I’m fat. What else is there to say? It’s a conversation killer, for sure. The goal, make me feel bad about myself, is easily accomplished. It doesn’t take real mental exercise to achieve this victory. It’s not addressing a controversial issue. There’s no iota of space in your brain that thinks I’d rather be fat than skinny. Where’s the victory in making an observation? The balls to say something that’s not politically correct? Well, no, because you’re saying it anonymously. The courage to say that being fat is bad, in the midst of PC and fat acceptance people on the internet? Not really, since you aren’t making an argument that counters anything they would say back to you. You’re fueling a conversation you’re unprepared to continue.

2. You’re creating the women you complain about.

Complain all you want to about women who are too dependent on men, who “go crazy” when there’s a lack of male attention, or who dress provocatively because they like how people treat them in return but these are the direct consequences of equating worth with how much you like her appearance. Complain about the consequences or stop doing what brings it about. Your call.

3. Shaming is counter-intuitive to your goal.

If you’d like to see less fat people in the world you should know that shame is a very ineffective way to get people to change. It’s a great way to make people feel sad and comfort eat or hide under their covers, I think. So, though shaming isn’t a way to actually get the change you want, it’s an easier approach (but then again, isn’t laziness part of what you’re shaming people for?)

4. You sound like a suburban housewife.

Get a hobby or something instead of gossiping about people. Gossiping about another person always elevates the other person and lowers yourself because you are making them the object of your actions. This dude spent the time to make a dummy twitter account to hide behind and call my out by my full name. I’m drowning in the weakness oozing out of your actions, bro. If you want to tell men to be masculine again, or whatever weird opinion you want to have, go for it, but you are failing by your own standards here.

Here’s my story, if you really want to read about it.

image –Rocky Sun