It’s Ok To Own Your Excellence


When someone gives you a compliment, you say, “oh stop.” When someone gives you a compliment, you say, “no you are ____________(whatever nice thing that they were telling you that you are).” When someone tells you that you’re wonderful, you begin to point out all of your flaws. When someone tells you that you did a good job, you begin to list all the imperfections that you see.

Does that sound like you?

You, dear friend, are a professional deflector.

And the time has come for you to start to embrace your worth, your accomplishments, and your successes, ok?

You can be humble and embrace the praise of your accomplishments. You can be your own critic and your own cheerleader. You can accept praise without getting a big ego.

It is possible to do both.

It’s ok to say thank you when someone gives you a compliment. It’s ok to be open to the praise of your successes. It’s ok to agree that you did a great job. It’s ok to be proud of the hard work that you have done. It’s ok to be happy with all that you have achieved.

It’s ok to own your excellence.

You don’t have to negate the kinds words, or the praise, or the admiration. It’s ok to stand strong in this – it doesn’t make you any less humble. It doesn’t make you a braggart. It just means you’re embracing the praise of all your hard work – and it’s ok to celebrate that.

It’s ok to celebrate your accomplishments, your worth, and your successes.

I hope you remind yourself of that whenever you get the urge to negate praise that has been bestowed upon you, and I hope you remind yourself of that when you start to deflect the kind words that are being thrown your way.

It’s ok to celebrate your accomplishments, your worth, and your successes. Tell yourself that as often as you need to, so that you may actually believe it.