It’s Okay That You Don’t Have A Job You Love Right Now


It’s okay that you don’t have a job you love at the moment. It’s okay that you don’t have a job you love at the moment. It’s okay that you don’t have a job you love at the moment.

One more time:

It’s okay that you don’t have a job you love at the moment.

For some, this may not be a big deal, for they feel a job is just a job. For them, a job might not need to be wrapped up in meaning and purpose and passion. But for the dreamers, the artists, the creative spirits, this may feel like a death sentence. Or perhaps it feels the end of the world.

Maybe it feels like both—it’s not.

And it is going to be okay.

The job that you have but don’t love, well, it pays you. And I know, I know, money isn’t meaning. But that doesn’t mean it’s not important. That money allows you to pay for food, for rent, for other bills. That money provides you the space for time on the weekends or evenings for you to discover what you do love. And as strange as it might sound, that is something to be grateful for.

There’s nothing glamorous about being a starving artist. Nothing.

Your art will not be better if you cannot eat. It will not be brighter if you have nowhere to sleep. It’s not like more people are going to read your words and consume what you create just because you’re struggling.

It doesn’t work like that.

It’s okay that you don’t have a job you love at the moment. That does not mean it will be that way for forever. It just means that’s what your situation is right now. But get out of the death sentence mindset. Recognize that the job you have gives you money to pay the bills, and with that financial stability comes the freedom to be able to discover what you do love.