I’ve Been Having Sex With My Professor And It’s Gotten Me Straight A’s For Three Years
By Anonymous
Originally published on Reddit
In my first year of college I considered myself straight and had a girlfriend. I really slacked off in a couple of classes and was looking at least one F. I emailed the professor about what I could do, and he replied that I might be able to pass. I had to attend all remaining classes, excel on the test, and do extra credit work. For a couple weeks I went to his office every day to do basic work (print out this article, get this from the library, look this up). One day he says he’s going to need help at his home office.
I go on a Saturday morning and it’s basically the same stuff, plus organizing his bookshelves. After an hour, I’m in there and he’s just writing, then he just gets up and stands close behind me, and starts rubbing my crotch. I was completely surprised, but I got turned on. He rubs a little more, not saying anything, then gets on his knees and turns me around, then gives me a blow job. I just let it happen. After, he pulls my pants back up and we leads me to his bedroom, where he had anal with me.
Afterwards he says that we’re done for the day, and I just drive home. I basically wasn’t thinking about it at all after I showered, and I went out with my girlfriend that night. He emailed me and said there was more work for me on Sunday. I ended up going there again and that time it was just sex.
For the rest of the semester I’d go over about every week, and he stopped having me do any actual work or assistance, it was just sex. He ended up giving me an A, and he suggested I take more classes from him.
So basically I have taken all the classes from him I can. He fucks me, and I end up with As. He also has gotten other professors to give me better grades, saying I’m doing a lot of research work for him so they cut me slack. He also has set me up with a good job for the time being.
I’ve never told anyone, and the only other person who knows is his boyfriend, who he started dating around a year ago. He introduced me as a former student, and we have had a few threesomes. The boyfriend doesn’t know that the professor is basically have sex with every week. I have a new girlfriend and she doesn’t know anything, either.