Leave Your Heart In The Hands Of This Person


Leave your heart in the hands of the person who accepts you. The person who accepts the imperfect, flawed human you are. The one who accepts the broken parts of you and all of the things about you that no-one has ever accepted before.

Leave your heart in the hands of the person who forgives you. The person who doesn’t hold it against you. The person who chooses your connection over being right. The one whose heart is big enough to fight for your relationship when you have failed them. The one who holds you closer instead of pushing you away.

Leave your heart in the hands of the person who is loyal to you. The person who chooses you out of everyone else because you are the one they want. The one whose hands are responsible and trustworthy without you around. The one whose hands are only hungry for you. The one whose hands are committed to building a life with you.

Leave your heart in the hands of the person who appreciates you. The person who is grateful they have finally met you. The one who believes they won the lottery because you’re by their side. The one who is thankful for the little things you do for them.

Give your heart to the person whose hands are safe. The hands that are kind, gentle and loving. The hands that protect you and set you free at the same time. The hands that lift you up and the hands that reach out to you when they need lifting. Leave your heart in the hands of the person who becomes better for you. The one who learns from you and grows with you. The one who stays with you; heart, mind and body. Leave your heart in the hands of the person who treats your heart like their own. And most importantly, give your heart to the person whose hands won’t be the same without you.