Being Mocked And Making Money: 5 Thriving YouTube Videos


4. Bangs: The Foreigner


Bangs’ song and corresponding video for “Take U To Da Movies” is near and dear to my heart because, as it turns out (and as he makes clear by standing in front of a massive green-screened map of Africa), we are both natives of Sudan. The difference between us, though, is that Bangs, who now lives in Australia, is a so-bad-he’s-actually-kind-of-good rapper with a propensity for, well, taking “shawwtys” to the movies. Since this video came out last year, it’s been watched close to 4 million times.

That’s a modest number when it comes to YouTube successes, but Bangs has rather impressively parlayed that online attention into real-life goodies. He’s released two more music videos that have been just as successful (read: funny), performed live at a major Australian festival and starred in a commercial for Honda’s Jazz campaign. And, perhaps more importantly, Bangs hit the wannabe-rapper lottery: he got a record distribution deal. Ya boy Bangs!