Missouri Trolled The KKK And It Was Glorious
The Ku Klux Klan, long known for their call for the purification of American society, decided, in 2000 to adopt a highway in Missouri.
As per Time Magazine:
“We just want to clean up the doggone road,” Harley Hanson, the exalted cyclops of the Klan’s Realm of Georgia, told the Journal-Constitution. “We’re not going to be out there in robes.”
But opponents say that to allow the KKK to sponsor the highway — which would include permission to erect signs advertising their work — would be a black mark on a state that has come far since the civil rights era. State Rep. Tyrone Brooks (D), head of the Georgia Association of Black Elected Officials, has asked the DOT to deny the KKK’s application. “They have to say no. If it brings a lawsuit, so be it. If it ends the program, so be it,” Brooks told the Journal-Constitution.
… “I love my race. Does that make me wrong? I’m proud to be white,” Hanson told the Journal-Constitution.
Missouri legislation fought against the KKK to prevent them from doing so, but the court ruled in favor of the KKK, arguing that preventing the Klan from adopting a highway is in violation of the First Amendment.
In response, Missouri named the highway after civil-rights activist Rosa Parks. When the Klan attempted to remove themselves from the commitment, the state threatened them with a lawsuit.
h/t Time