Never Date Someone With Jealousy Issues
Never date someone with jealousy issues because they are going to take their own insecurities out on you. They are going to blame you for mistakes people from their past have made. They are going to expect your relationship to end. They are going to expect you to hurt them. They are going to expect something horrible to go wrong.
Never date someone with jealousy issues because they will get upset whenever you set plans with your friends. They will get upset whenever you text another person in front of them. They will get upset whenever you work extra hours or take a vacation out of state or like a picture online.
Never date someone with jealousy issues because they will take little things out of context. They will turn every situation around on you. They will find more and more reasons to be suspicious of you, even when you have been completely loyal to them, even when you have given up everything for them.
Never date someone with jealousy issues because they will find subtle ways to control you — but they will not come across as the controlling type. They will not give you ultimatums. They will not set rules for you to follow. But the rules will be implied.
In order to keep the peace, in order to stop your person from crying and freaking out about whether or not you actually love them, you will end up making sacrifices for them. You will sacrifice time with your friends and family. You will sacrifice your hobbies. You will sacrifice your own happiness.
Never date someone with jealousy issues because they will expect to be the center of your world. They will not want you to have a good time unless they are involved. They will not want you to care about anyone else as much as you care about them. They will hog all of your attention. They will ask for more than you are able to give.
Never date someone with jealousy issues because they will make you feel guilty when you have not done anything wrong. They will make you feel like the bad guy when you thought you were doing the right thing. They will make you feel like you are a screwup, like every move you make is the wrong one.
Never date someone with jealousy issues because they will always doubt your love for them. They will always wonder whether you would rather be dating someone else. They will always feel like second best even when you go out of your way to make them your first priority.
Never date someone with jealousy issues unless they are willing to work on their baggage instead of using you as a punching bag. Never date someone with jealousy issues unless they are willing to compromise with you instead of jumping to conclusions. Never date someone with jealousy issues unless they are willing to see situations from your point of view instead of from their clouded view.