Never Fall In Love With An Alcoholic
Never fall in love with an alcoholic because they will not remember the fight they had with you the night before. They won’t recall any of the nasty things they screamed at you, even though you are never going to be able to erase the words from your mind. When you try to explain what went down, how horrible they treated you, they will think you are overreacting. They won’t realize how bad they actually were.
Even if they feel guilty about what they’ve done and apologize, they will do the same exact thing the next time they get drunk. They will make promises they cannot keep. There will be a repeat in history every time they have too much.
Never fall in love with an alcoholic because you are going to end up acting more like a parent than a partner. You are going to end up scrubbing their vomit from their clothes and collecting the empty bottles they left scattered throughout the house. Every time you go out in public, you are going to have to remind them to take it easy, to avoid embarrassing you.
Never fall in love with an alcoholic because it will be like you are dating two separate people. There will be two sides to them that are completely different. A side that is sweet and fun-loving and kind, the kind that you first fell in love with. And then there will be another side that is loose tongued and angry and bitter, the kind you still can’t believe exists.
Never fall in love with an alcoholic because your money is going to swirl down the drain. They are going to hesitate to take you out to fancy dinners, because they don’t want to waste their paycheck, but they won’t think twice about spending hundreds of dollars at the bar. They consider alcohol a necessity, as important as bread and butter.
Never fall in love with an alcoholic because you are never going to know what to expect. You are going to wait for them to talk first when they walk through the front door so you can see which version of them has arrived. The good or the bad. The affectionate or the violent.
Never fall in love with an alcoholic because they cannot love you the way you were meant to be loved. They will take from you without giving enough in return. They will make your life a living hell — and when you try to leave, they will make you feel guilty about it. They will beg you to stay.
Never fall in love with an alcoholic because you aren’t going to be able to save them — and when they keep drinking no matter how many times you ask them to stop, you are going to wonder why they don’t love you enough to give up the alcohol for good.
Never fall in love with an alcoholic unless they are serious about making a lifestyle change. Unless they are actually able to follow through on their promise to stay sober. Unless they decide they are tired of living such a wasteful life and change themselves for the better.