Pajamas Over People: July 4th Edition
Netflix Recommendations:
MOVIE: Captain America: The First Avenger. It’s about as American as you can get on Netflix so I’ll suggest it, but I won’t guarantee that you’ll like it. I’m looking forward to re-watching it myself because I dozed off when I saw it in theaters, which is certainly a bad sign but the nachos might’ve made me sleepy and I believe in second chances.
TV: Wonder Years. It’s the 22nd episode of the 6th season, titled appropriately “Independence Day.” It was a tear jerking series finale, but it’s fitting for this particular PJs>PPL because it’s a 4th of July themed episode. Anyone who watched this series knows just how brilliant and heartfelt it always managed to be. It’s actually depressing to revisit the conclusion of Kevin Arnold and Winnie Cooper’s relationship, which, in my humble opinion gives Cory & Topanga a run for their money. Ironically, my two favorite television couples each feature one of the Savage brothers, Ben and Fred. Anyway, grab some tissue and enjoy the end of a classic.
YouTube Surfing:
[youtube=]Here is a video of the gorgeous fireworks at Disneyland and while it was filmed on July 1st, 2013, it was a sneak preview of their special July 4th show. Since most of us can’t be at Disneyland tonight and if you’re online reading this, chances are you aren’t outdoors, this video is your aesthetically pleasing, firework fix. Make sure it’s 1080p and full screen for added satisfaction. Don’t be afraid to ooh & aah as loud as you’d like – your neighbors are probably out being social or throwing a noisy gathering, so they won’t hear you.
Music Suggestion:
[youtube=]This is my personal favorite rendition of America The Beautiful and it’s sung by the legend, Ray Charles. It’s beautiful, y’all – soak in all 3+ minutes of it, photos and all. I promise you’ll feel better inside by the end of the music than you did at the start.
*BARELY MISSED THE CUT: I was very close to recommending a pre-twerking Miley Cyrus melody because la-da-di-da-di, she likes to Party In The USA.
What to watch on TV:
There will be the classic Twilight Zone marathon on SyFy and AMC will play The Walking Dead so you’re in great hands if there’s a remote control in yours.
What’s on the menu?:
Cook something American, perhaps a hotdog or a cheeseburger, but for your side dish get a can of baked beans if you can find a market that’s not closed. When cooking, pour an unhealthy amount of barbeque sauce and some brown sugar in there, and mix it in. The beans will now by thick, sweet and BBQ-y. If you want to be extra awful about your diet like me, dip potato chips in said beans as if it were a dip. Savor every last calorie.
We’ll keep it short, sweet and in-house with 10 Reasons To Be Excited You Live In America by Sydney Nikols.
Website Suggestion:
Since he is the president of this great nation, here’s a Tumblr that I wish had been updated more: Thanks, Obama!