People Are Turning This Man’s Sexist Tweet Into A Hilarious New Meme And It’ll Make You Laugh Your Ass Off
Yesterday, a conservative blogger used Hurricane Harvey as an excuse to post a pretty sexist tweet, which has gotten quite a bit of backlash since.
Woman cradles and protects child. Man carries and protects both. This is how it ought to be, despite what your gender studies professor says
— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) August 28, 2017
Can we not just appreciate a kind gesture from a gentleman WITHOUT making it a gender issue?
— Sara Denman ✈ (@sara_elizzy548) August 28, 2017
Oh so let's say a man is hurt, should I not protect him and carry him to safety because that's not how it "ought" to be?
— Hanna Fridén (@HannaFriden) August 29, 2017
But this is the Internet, where vigilante heroes turn trash into gold, and the great people of Twitter are striking back the best way they know how: memes. Glorious, beautiful memes.
Woman cradles and protects child. Man carries and protects both. This is how it ought to be, despite what your gender studies professor says
— Hope Jahren (@HopeJahren) August 30, 2017
Woman cradles and protects child. Man carries and protects both.
— Jennifer Tilly (@JenniferTilly) August 30, 2017
Woman cradles and protects child. Man carries and protects both. You put the lime in the coconut and drink them both together.
— Grand Moff Scarin', Empire-Affiliated, Bearified🐻 (@N7IRL) August 30, 2017
Keep them coming, people. This is how it ought to be.