People Will Try To Convince You You’re Not Beautiful, Don’t Let Them
By Shuchi Kalra
You were not born to fit into templates,
Neither were you meant to toe the lines.
You are unique in the way you are;
Your beauty is beyond confines.
Your skin is never too dark or too pale
You are not too short or too tall
Your dress size doesn’t decide your worth
Your attitude makes that call.
Your lips are not too thin or broad
Your nose is not too sharp or flat
Your eyes are neither set too far apart
Nor too close
Your hair are not too curly or too straight.
They are just like you—
Just the way they are meant to be.
Your breasts are just the right size,
They’ll do their job just fine;
Those stretch marks are your badge of honour,
Flaunt them away with pride.
You were not born to fit into templates
Neither were you meant to toe the lines
You are unique in the way you are;
Your beauty is beyond confines.
Go ahead, wear that dress—it looks perfect on you;
The mirror will only show you what you believe to be true.
Being proud of yourself is not arrogance,
Revelling in your beauty is not being vain,
It is just a quiet confidence of owning yourself—
At your most glamorous, at your most plain.
Anyone who tries to pull you down
Ask them to take a walk,
It’s not you, it’s them.
The green monster will always mock.
You were not born to fit into templates,
Neither were you meant to toe the lines.
You are unique in the way you are;
Your beauty is beyond confines.
You are much more than your body and you know,
You have a sparkle in your eyes and a fire in your soul,
A heart with wings and a smile that kills,
A bounce in your step and pride in your stride,
The fragrance of femininity, nothing can hide.
Don’t let them tell you that
You’d look prettier if you lost weight,
Or you would find love
If you were a different shade.
Look in the mirror, what do you see?
Blow yourself a kiss, tell yourself this—
I’m not perfect, but I’m fabulous
Because there is no one else quite like me!