Power, Politics, And Kiddie Porn
By Jim Goad
Illinois State Representative Keith Farnham resigned from office due to “serious health issues” last month mere days after the feds busted into his state office and seized a computer allegedly containing two child pornography videos.
Farnham was criminally charged yesterday not only for the two video clips, but for allegedly swapping hundreds of kiddie-porn pics and engaging in online chats with other cyber-chomos where he reputedly boasted of sexually abusing a six-year-old girl. His wrinkled fingers also allegedly pecked out these words:
12 is about as old as i can handle…i love them at 6 7 8
That’s a guy in his mid-sixties who allegedly loves them at 6 and can’t handle them older than 12. Methinks he has “issues” that involve more than physical health.
I don’t understand sexual attraction to children, especially among senior citizens. Perhaps it’s due to hard wiring, some neurological or chemical defect that can one day be quantified and remedied. Or maybe it’s more of an ugly behavioral quandary due to the fact that most of these predators were molested as children. Like I said, I don’t understand it.
But what’s even harder to comprehend is why a state representative using official state equipment would be dumb enough to swap kiddie porn and brag about deflowering a six-year-old. Was he unaware that all this behavior is immediately documented? Was he simply a careless slob? Was his sexual compulsion so overpowering that he blindly sallied forward with it while aware of all the risks? Or did he feel invincible because he was a state politician?
If the allegations are true, how much of Farnham’s salaried work time was occupied by his online child-fucking daydreams? Aren’t there potholes that need to be fixed in his district? A school or two that could use some reading tutors? Willfully bleeding taxpayers to indulge one’s warped proclivities is the sign of an entitled mind that is absolutely shitfaced drunk on its own power.
Not that it matters, but if you’re keeping score, Farnham is a Democrat, as was the highly uncomely former San Diego Mayor Bob “Filthy” Filner, who resigned last summer amid a blizzard of sexual-harassment allegations. Yes, I realize there are plenty of Republican perverts, too. That’s why I don’t endorse either political party. It’s also why I think anyone who picks sides in the Rep/Dem war is a sucker who doesn’t realize that power politics is the exclusive domain of liars, creeps, whores, and the occasional pedophile. You give people power, and they’re going to abuse it. That might as well be a law of physics.
While in office, Farnham was the co-sponsor of two bills in the Illinois House of Representatives “that toughened penalties for child pornography.” If his own laws wind up biting him in the ass, this would be a case of the chickenhawk coming home to roost.