Read This If You Are Bored Out Of Your Mind On May 30


Maybe all of your friends are too busy to see you. Maybe you feel like there is nothing good left to watch on Netflix. Maybe you wish you could fast forward the clock until it’s time for you to fall asleep again because you have nothing better to do than daydream.

It might feel like the day is dragging on and there is nothing left for you to accomplish before bedtime, but you are wrong. There is always something else to accomplish.

Stop complaining about being bored because there are a million ways you could spend your time. You could get a head start on your to-do list for tomorrow. You could send out job applications. You could rearrange your wardrobe. You could learn how to cook your favorite meal. You could drive down to the water and admire the ocean.

Even if you don’t feel like getting dressed, even if you don’t feel like moving, you should force yourself out of your comfort zone anyway. Do not waste today because once you waste one day, it’s easy to waste the next day and the next. You don’t want to become overly comfortable in your routine. You don’t want to settle for an average life when you could reach for something greater.

Your life should consist of more than waking up, going to work or school, and then falling asleep again. You should have meaningful moments sprinkled in throughout the day. You shouldn’t feel like you are sleepwalking through the week.

That is why today, on May 30, you should make sure you do something productive. Something that will make you feel proud when you fall asleep at night because you know you didn’t misuse your day.

Exercise for an hour. Answer the emails you have been ignoring. Vacuum the floor that has been dirty for weeks. Do something, anything, that will give you a sense of accomplishment. Make yourself proud.

You cannot keep waiting until tomorrow to follow your dreams. The big things take time to accomplish. They aren’t going to happen overnight. It can take years of effort to get where you are intending to go. If you keep putting off tasks until next week or next year, then you are never going to reach your goals.

You are allowed to lounge on the couch during the weekend. You are allowed to unwind with a glass of wine. You are allowed to give yourself a break when you are overstressed — but you should never forget the importance of hard work.

It sucks to force yourself to act productive when all you want to do is relax after a long day, but too much play is as unhealthy as too much work. Dedicate at least a few minutes per night toward pursuing your goals.

If you love yourself, if you care about your own happiness, then you will put effort into your passions. You will chase after your dreams. You will stop procrastinating. You will get shit done today