Read This When You Feel Like God Is Far Away


Although God may seem far away, he is right there with you. It may seem that he has been distant and he is not as present in your life as he used to be, but he is still there. Remember that he said that he will never leave us or forsake us, and he is a man of his word. I know that you have been busy and life has been overwhelming, but I know you still yearn for your conversations with him, and you still yearn for the times that he has guided you through every decision that you’ve made. I am here to tell you he has been at every step, looking down on you proud at how far you have come. He has had a front row seat in your life, and he knows how much it has taken you to get to this point. He knows all that you can accomplish and he is not surprised when you do well.

He is there through the tough times and he is there when things are going well. He is there when life is extremely hectic and it seems like you are barely gasping for air. He sees the million things on your to-do list and wonders when you will have time to fit him in. He is there when your heart is broken and it seems like there is only so much you can take. He is there when you are crying yourself to sleep, praying that your life would change. He is waiting for you to include him so he can comfort you. He is there when you start growing apart from the friends that you have known your whole life. He is there when you finally meet the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. He is there when you get the job of your dreams. He is there because the love that he has for you is unmatched.

I know it might not feel like it, but God is there. He has always been there and he always will be. Trust me, I know that it doesn’t always seem like it. You wonder why, if he’s always there, he would allow certain things to happen to you. If he is there, why do we feel lonely at times? He is waiting for you to invite him into every aspect of your life. He doesn’t just want to be included in the bad things, but he wants to be included in the good things too.

He is there when you least expect it. He is there when you think that he has completely forgotten about you. Remember that you are never alone, because he is there smiling down on you.