Remember This The Next Time You’re In Grief
Losing people of significant impact is not just a little loss that will agitate us during a typical or ordinary day. We are pushed towards hopelessness and we break. We carry the pain inside and stand alone in the wreckage of it all. It stings and rips the heart, punches hard, and scars the soul because we think that we lost the possibilities, opportunities, and hopes. It can be unbearable, and there are no right words of hope that can fix everything. But there is something pleasant about the kind of emotional pain that comes day after day; it is a realization that learning more about how to live a life as it has to be lived without them. We grieve and allow our hearts’ sorrows to spill forth. Yes, but we should learn how to accept and move on, because one day, it’ll get easier.
Losing people we love is grief, and nobody teaches us how to deal with it. But one day at a time, we heal, no matter what.
No matter what we do or where we are in this life, tomorrow is not promised. So let us make this moment count by choosing how to heal our wounds and letting the scars fade. That’s how beauty is grown—healing our scars with love.
No matter what we do or where we are in this life, we must learn to free ourselves from the shackles of our grief, because it doesn’t define our future.
No matter what we do or where we are in this life, we should never be afraid to enjoy a moment and lose ourselves in the process.
No matter what we do or where we are in this life, we must learn to get better in time. Life isn’t easy, and neither is love. As we continue to grow, we learn multitudes. We realize that the ones we love aren’t always there with us forever. Not everyone can be permanent.
No matter what we do or where we are in this life, remember that when hurt comes, so shall the gift of healing. Every invisible crack of our broken hearts is going to mend.
And no matter what, life does go on.