Remember This When The Going Gets Tough


Life is a journey. It is not a race, it is not an end result, and it is not an outcome. It is not a culmination and it is not a memory, to be reflected on at the end of our road.

When we fix our attention on anything other than the present, we forget we are currently experiencing the moments that deserve our focus, energy and love. We fret over the “what ifs”, we worry about our path and we stress whenever our desired outcome wavers even slightly from possibility.

But we shouldn’t.

Right now, in this very moment, there are millions of reasons to live for. From the calm you feel drinking your morning cup of coffee to the pleasant embrace from the sun on a spring day– there are so many little signs that we have everything we need to be happy and we are exactly where we need to be.

The point is to enjoy the experience; appreciate the ride, take note of the journey. The end is important, but not the point. When you race, the finish line is the end. On this journey, our end is our passing. You must not wait until the end to realize that all along, you were living through everything you were ever meant to appreciate. This is not a test run, or something you can replay back when you attain whatever you expect the future to hold for you. Life is happening all around you, right now, and is worth all your attention and love.

Even in the tough times, we must remember that there is beauty and there is purpose. We may not be able to see it momentarily, but it’s all just part of the ride. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. You’ll be surprised to see how much you can enjoy here and now.