Say Yes To The Adventure Of Being Alive


Say yes
To the adventure
Of being alive
Say yes
To this life
All of it
Even when it’s storming
And grey
And hurts

Say yes
To the ebb and flow
To the impermanence of it all
For you are a warrior
Who won’t settle for anything less
Than all of this life

Say yes
To the mystery
To the unknown
Say yes
To “I don’t know”
And allow it
To be an invitation
For an adventure

Say yes
To living
With an open heart
Even though it has been broken
A time or two
Let living this life
With all you got
Heal it
In ways you never imagined

Say yes
To staying
When you want to run
Say yes
To allowing yourself
To be seen
When you want to hide

Say yes
To the harder way
For you made this choice
A long time ago
For the easy way
And the shortcuts
This is not your path

Say yes
To the fear
That greets you
At the edge of your comfort zone
Every damn time
Welcome it
With open arms
Like an old friend
That comes to visit
Reminding you
Of just how far you’ve come
That you can do this
As you always have
Like the courageous warrior
You were always meant to be

Say yes
To the mistakes
You’ve made
To the guilt you felt
When you were “wrong”
Do not look away
For there are lessons here
That you were meant to learn
Befriend them
And keep showing up

Say yes
To giving yourself
What you need

Say yes
To listening to the cravings of your soul
And desires of the heart
Explore them
As if they are a wise old woman
Willing to guide you
Exactly where you need to be

And say yes
To Being
Exactly where you are
Every step of the way

Say yes
To allowing yourself
To get lost
As you know
You always return back home
To yourself
You lived here

Say yes
To giving yourself
All the space you need
To grow into yourself
Time and time again

Say yes
To the truth
Even when it stings
For you know
The truth is synonymous with
I love you
I respect you
You are strong
And you are not willing to live this life
In a delusion of any sort
For that is not acceptance
And you strive
To say yes
And to be fully touched
By all of this life