See 4,291 Earthquakes Happen in 33 Seconds


The below is a timelapse of earthquakes since 2009 as provided by the U.S. Geological Survey. Note the increase in the frequency and intensity of clustered earthquakes. The question is, do these earthquakes correlate to fracking wells along Oklahoma’s faultlines?

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Yes, yes they do. Scroll down for a map of all of Oklahoma’s fracking wells up to March 2013.

What’s more, you should note that where there are more fracking wells there are more earthquakes. Where there are few fracking wells or none there are no earthquakes.

While I wrote about the ever increasing numbers of earthquakes and their connection to fracking yesterday, I felt that a visual representation of the phenomenon might be more effective at bringing the point home. For me, being able to see something for myself always trumps being told about it.

And one more thing, the below is a chart produced by Oklahoma Geological Survey last month. The OGS is a state agency. The entire thing is worth reading, especially slide 1 but I’m including here a chart that shows the increase in earthquakes over a 34 year period with a projection for 2015. There’s a link to the PDF in the description.

featured image – Wiki Commons