Selected, Memorable Remarks On My Physical Appearance, From “Somewhat Insulting” To “Extremely Flattering”


“can’t decide if you are attractive or not but you’ve got nice tits and a pretty tight ass” (via “Honesty Box” facebook app)

“you sure look like the original willy wonka. what’s his name again?”

“you definitely have your mother’s nose” (at a dog show. I don’t remember why I was at a dog show.)

“your skin looks very nice… I bet it’s because you’re having sex.”

“you’ve got the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen” (and then he pushed me down the zipline)

“look, there’s that pretty girl who is weird” (mumbled while passing by)

“my favorite part of your body is your avian shoulders.”

“you could play a librarian in a porn.”

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