‘I Have Been Working My Ass Off To Lose Weight’ — Why I Called Out The Guy Who Called Me Fat
By Jacob Geers
Reddit user Wild_Hyena was going for a run when some asshole driver went out of their way to call her fat not just once, but twice, stopping to make sure she heard. Her internet response, however, is an epic call for body positivity that absolutely everyone must hear.
To the guy who called me fat while I was jogging
I like how you pulled into a drive way and turned around to make sure I heard you. Yes I heard you both times. I didn’t respond because you’re not worth my time or energy (I needed all the energy I can get for my jog).
“How does anyone get that fat?!” I got this fat because of people like you chipping away at my already low self esteem… I hope you never get so depressed that you go on a slow and painful binge eating suicide mission, I wouldn’t wish that on anyone so you go ahead and laugh with your friends and call me a whale.
“Why not lose some weight fatty?!” … seriously? its pouring down rain and I am out jogging… do you think I find this fun or enjoyable? why take a shower inside my warm house when I could do it in the freezing rain!? I have been working my ass off (quite literally) to lose this weight and to in general be a healthier person. It’s been a very long very exhausting struggle and I know I still have a long way to go. I’ve spent the last 2.5 years getting myself mentally healthy now I’ve started to make my body healthy. Oh and btw I’ve lost over 100lbs already…
I’m sorry that my body in someway offends you or upsets you but I have a very quick very easy solution for you: Don’t look at me.
After receiving a tremendous response, Wild_Hyena later added:
I dont feel discouraged by this asshat but I did feel a great amount of frustration. Thank you all for the positivity and kind words you’re beautiful people!
Republished with permission from R/TwoXChromosomes