Something Terrible Is Happening In My Town, And It All Started With My Daughter


Nothing productive, I assure you. The entire day Wednesday was spent talking to police as follow up and to a local media news outlet to fill them in on what I was sure would be frontpage news. I was terrified the entire day, but I held my composure throughout interviews and nosey neighbor inquiries alike.

I hoped that Wednesday night would be better. I was wrong.

We all slept in the same room on Wednesday, bringing in a big screen TV and popping various candies into our mouths as we watched the newest Blu-Ray release from the local movie store. We figured after the intensity of last night, the risk of triggering Jessie’s epilepsy was minor in comparison to feeling safe as happy as a family. Two cops still roamed the area and our personal detective onguard, Officer Hemmings, would keep anyone out. It was time to relax for once. Before we knew it, Jessie had dozed off. I encouraged Amy to do the same and, minutes later, she was passed out next to my daughter, both lightly snoring and basked in the blue glow of the TV screen.

I breathed deeply and prepared to switch the TV off when I noticed the window across the way at my neighbor’s house come to life. Inside, soft yellow light bulbs offered a clear picture of my elderly neighbors staring straight out their window and into mine. Their gaze was unmistakably fixated on me. I squinted and rubbed my eyes to make sure I was not being deceived by a trick of the light and stood up. Their eyes followed me all the way to the window. I raised a hand and waved. Neither acknowledged my gesture and they simply stared back, unnervingly never blinking. Just as I reached for the blinds, their next move will certainly scar me for life. Mr. Jennings, a kind-hearted old man in his 70s, reached up with one hand, eyes never losing contact with mine, and slit his wife’s throat it one sweeping motion.

Blood spurt forth from her neck, soaking her clear window in a crimson waterfall. She did not collapse immediately, and she not once let her gaze leave my face. She only looked away when her body lost all rigidity and crumpled on her floor. I sat, mouth agape, and fished my phone out of my shorts, dialing Officer Hemmings’ personal number. I slammed the blinds shut and turned to my wife and daughter. Amy was still asleep, but Jessie was beginning to go into a seizure. Her eyes were open, but rolled back yet again. She shook my wife awake just as I connected to Officer Hemmings’ voice mail. I yelled for Amy to care for Jessie while I dialed 9-1-1 for the third time. I managed to get a unit on its way in seconds before putting my cell down and helping control Jessie’s violent convulsions.