Start Living – The Time Is NOW


The time is NOW!! You know, carpe diem. YOLO. You know all the “life is short” mottos. To be honest, they’re cheesy. They are cheesy because they are true.

The time is now my friend, to use your days wisely, of whatever season you are in. Specifically speaking, if you’re in a very quiet and slow season take advantage of that time and use it!

Travel, see the world, do something you wouldn’t normally do. Netflix and chill can happen anytime; seeing the world is not always available.

The time is now: stop vicariously living through others blogs, Instagram stories or Snapchats but to buy that plane ticket and adventure. Instead of wishing to be at that place, MAKE. IT HAPPEN. You’re young once, you only have so many quiet seasons in your life, so why waste it with doing what you usually would be doing when you’re busy?

Bars are so last week.

The time is now, my friend, to get out of the safe zone and do something that scares you. Do something that makes you feel alive and not trapped in that every day routine. You will never regret travelling.

The time is now to explore, my friend. Explore a bit on your own; learn how to survive by yourself. Learn how to step away from technology and take advantage of this beautiful world we live in by looking up and not down on that stupid piece of technology that corrupts our daily lives. No more Pinterest, no more Google, no more wishing. If you want it bad enough, it can happen! You’re young and possibly single, and if you’re single ENJOY THAT FREEDOM OF OPPORTUNITY. Stop wishing for a relationship, stop wishing for marriage, and asking all the “what if’s.”

Live in the present. Seize the freaking day because THE TIME IS NOW!

Let’s go.