Stop Holding Other People Accountable For Your Own Happiness


When things aren’t going your way, it’s easy to put the blame on outside factors. It’s easy to put the blame on other people instead of taking ownership for yourself. When things aren’t going your way, it’s easy to get frustrated, discouraged, and lose any sense of happiness.

The truth is nothing and no one is responsible for your happiness but yourself, so stop holding other people accountable.

Stop holding people accountable for the things that happened in the past. Stop being angry with the world. Stop being the victim.

When life gets hard, don’t expect other people to constantly be the ones to pick you up when you fall down. Don’t constantly depend on other people to keep you smiling. Don’t constantly depend on other people to bring you happiness – Not your family, not your friends, not your significant other.

The only person standing in the way of your own happiness is yourself.


There will always be people in our lives who may have caused us grief or heartache. There will always be people who will try to put us down. There will always be people who want to see us fail.

And there will also be people who bring us joy. There will always be people who will try to be there for us. There will always be people who will stop at nothing to make us laugh when we need it the most.

But, no matter what people say or do, ultimately, we are the ones to decide if and when we want to start being happy again.

The greatest war we wage is with ourselves. Every battle won and every battle lost will come down to the simple act of mind over matter.

So, try to see the good in life. Try to appreciate the little things. Try to find what sets your soul on fire. And when you do, remember what that is and keep it as close to your heart as possible.