Stop Making Your Life Way Harder Than It Has To Be
By Becca Martin
Are you in a happy, loving relationship?
Are you in a job that allows you to do the things you love, even if you don’t love particularly love the job?
Are you surrounding yourself with people who are motivational and want the best for you?
If you’re not then what the hell are you doing?
Really, what are you doing? Please tell me.
You’re making your life way harder than it has to be when you’re staying in an unhappy relationship. Relationships aren’t all sunshine and rainbows, I know that. There are problems, fights, disagreements in every one of them. I know all of that. But if you’re in an unhappy, unloving relationship why are you staying?
Are you staying because it’s what you know? Are you staying because you’re scared to be alone or because you don’t want to go through the challenge of actually ending a relationship? Are you staying because you’re scared you’ll regret it and that you won’t find anyone better? Why are you staying somewhere that is making you unhappy? Don’t settle for anything, especially for love.
You’re making your life way harder than it has to be when you work a job you hate. It’s one thing if the job allows you to live a lifestyle you’re very happy with, if it allows you to buy nice things you really want and allows you to take nice vacations, if that’s your thing. That’s all great. But if it doesn’t allow you to do any of that why are you staying?
I’m not naive, I know some people are single parents with children to feed so they need to work the job in order to take care of their family. I know that’s the case, that’s why most people stay doing things they hate every day for the rest of their lives. But you don’t have to do that. You can find a new job, a new career you love. Hell, you could even start your own business. It’s been done before and it will be done again. You spend most of your life sleep and at work, you should at least make work enjoyable so the rest of your life doesn’t suck so much.
You’re making your life harder when you hang out with people who suck the life from you. Friends are tough, some friends you’ve probably had since elementary school, but do you hangout with them because they still add something to your life or do you hang out with them out of obligation?
Breaking up with friends is hard, it’s weird and it sucks more than anything, but if they’re really your friend they would support you no matter what. They wouldn’t press their fears on you. They would motivate you to go after your dreams and better your life. They would encourage you and push you to the point of getting mad at them because they want the best for you and they can see what you’re lacking.
You’re doing so many things everyday that make your life harder than it has to be.
You’re making your life harder than it has to be when you’re blaming others, when you don’t take responsibility for your actions.
You’re making your life harder than it has to be when you’re take things personally instead of letting unimportant things go. Your friend didn’t answer you immediately because they were at work, not because they were ignoring you.
You’re making your life harder than it has to be when you immediately decide how things are going to go. Expectations are a killer. Things won’t ever go exactly how you have them played out in your mind. So stop ruining the fun, stop being so disappointed all the time because the chair was painted baby blue instead of navy blue.
You’re making your life harder than it has to be when you fail to take any risks, when you’re always settling. You shouldn’t settle in life, stop waiting for the ‘perfect’ moment to go after what you want because honestly, the perfect moment will never come. Something will always be a little off and you’ll spend your whole life waiting for something that will never happen. Stop settling for mediocre when you want brilliant. Don’t settle in love, in your career, in your relationships, in your daily life. Start demanding the life you want from yourself and your life will feel a hell of a lot easier.
You’re making your life harder than it has to be when you won’t let shit go. Stop holding grudges, seriously. Stop it. Who cares if that person poured milk on your head in high school, you’re both adults now. Let. It. Go. Move on. Holding on to petty shit like that will never help you move forward.
You’re making your life harder than it has to be when you waste time comparing your job to your best friends. You’re making your life harder than it has to be when you’re comparing your before and after photos to someone else’s. You’re making your life harder than it has to be when you’re constantly looking for other people who have it better than you. Stop the nonsense scrolling, stop the verbal abuse in your head and be proud of where you are and if you can’t be proud, fix the problem. You are the problem, but you are also the solution. Comparing yourself to other people won’t make you any better, you actually have to do something to better yourself, so start doing it. Today.
You’re making your life harder than it has to be in so many ways. So stop. Stop comparing, stop criticizing, stop judging, stop settling, stop doing things you hate, stop being unhappy.
Start living more simply, start pursuing your passion, start investing in yourself to finally do the things you want, start asking questions, start saying ‘yes’, start becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be.
Life isn’t meant to be shitty and hard, so stop making it that way. Believe in yourself and you can better your life.