Study Shows That Homophobes Get Hard Ons When Watching Gay Porn


People always say that a homophobe is just someone who’s really verrry eager to have gay sex. But for some reason or another they see it as a horrible life choice despite the indisputable fact gay sex is amaze. Freud always warned us to be suspicious of people who protest too loudly against one cause or another, because chances are that’s the thing they secretly want. Here’s looking at you, politicians trying to get away with rent boys and secret gay sex in public restrooms.

In 1996 a team of awesome-ass researchers at the University of Georgia conducted a study to measure the amount of erotic arousal by self-defined gay haters. Want to know their research method? They attached a hard on measuring device to the homophobe’s cocks and made them watch gay porn!

[The study] asked heterosexal men how comfortable and anxious they are around gay men. Based on these scores, they then divided these men into two groups: men that are homophobic, and men who are not. These men were then shown three, four-minute videos. One video depicted straight sex, one depicted lesbian sex and one depicted gay male sex. While this was happening, a device was attached to each participant’s penis. This device has been found to be triggered by sexual arousal, but not other types of arousal (such as nervousness, or fear – arousal often has a very different meaning in psychology than in popular usage). When viewing lesbian sex and straight sex, both the homophobic and the non-homophobic men showed increased penis circumference. For gay male sex, however, only the homophobic men showed heightened penis arousal. Heterosexual men with the most anti-gay attitudes, when asked, reported not being sexually aroused by gay male sex videos. But, their penises reported otherwise. Homophobic men were the most sexually aroused by gay male sex acts.

That explains a whole lot in terms of the homophobe’s brain. But the issue gets tricky, especially after the brutal killing of Matthew Shepard in 1998. There’s a horrible legal defense mechanism called “gay panic defense” which allows for killers of gay people to say that they were so enraged and disgusted that a gay came on to them that they were brought to the point of murder. Really? Can you imagine this happening to a straight woman? If a heterosexual woman told a courtroom that she was so disgusted by an advance by some guy that she killed him, would it make sense? Or if a guy was so disgusted by the sexual advances of a woman that he killed her?

Now we know that homophobes act under the fear of their own gay desires, but the real question shouldn’t be whether or not homophobes get hard ons when watching gay porn. We need to figure out how to stop homophobia, transphobia and other forms of hate geared towards non traditional bodies.

image – Shutterstock