Thanks For The Follow
By Thoughtis
@Samisaboysname Thanks for the follow! Great meeting you, I didn’t know people could meet in laundromats outside of Nancy Meyers movies.
@liznewspaper Had to Google “Nancy Meyers.” She doesn’t make diet snackfood. I’m very disappointed. #somethingsgottagivememeyerlemoncookies
@Samisaboysname You, Samantha Adams, dare to mock a name? Especially when you go by Sam? You must be drunk on some kind of Bostonian lager.
@liznewspaper Actually, it’s “Samanthanton Adams.” I go by “Samantha” for short.
@liznewspaper Hey I’m going to do some laundry. I hope I don’t see you there. That’d be terrible.
@Samisaboysname That’s crazy, I’m already here actually! Bring quarters. The machine was just broken by someone who is not me.
@Samisaboysname This is the documentary that I was telling you about:
@liznewspaper Wow, that is unbelievable. Thanks for sharing it with me.
@liznewspaper I know you’re in Atlanta for work, but you could have at least not broken the best/only working dryer before you left!
@Samisaboysname Way to tell all the burglars I’m not at home. Now I’m going to be burgled.
@liznewspaper Oh no. I’m sorry; I was just kidding! I deleted my last tweet.
@Samisaboysname Wait, what? I was kidding too.
@Samisaboysname Sorry, I just like saying “burgled” it sounds like a bodily function.
@Samisaboysname By the way the Atlanta laundromat I’m using has nothing on our local Bubbly Bobs!
@Samisaboysname Did you fall into the $5.00 dryer?
@liznewspaper A grizzled man is fast asleep on the folding table and they are playing “Glad You Came” by The Wanted #LaundromatAnthem
@Samisaboysname Hey! It’s you! I’m in London until the end of the month. I’m sure I’ll have a ton of dirty clothes when I get back.
@liznewspaper I hope so. I’ll just lay here on the folding table next to this dude and wait.
@Samisaboysname Haha. Please save me a spot too. (I would put a wink here if I thought it was ever okay to use emoticons.)
@Samisaboysname You’re going to this show too?! RT @TheWalkmen don’t forget — our show will be streamed LIVE TONIGHT on @Spotify from NYC’s Bowery Ballroom at 9PM EST
@liznewspaper Haha yup! I saw we both RT’d it.
@Samisaboysname Cool, I guess I’ll see you there unless I don’t recognize you in non-laundromat attire.
@liznewspaper I’ll be with a really tall dude with a Mohawk, so I’m sure you’ll spot me!
@Samisaboysname Oh okay gotcha. Well I might be there later on or skip it, because I just remembered I have to go to something else first.
@liznewspaper I saw this and thought of you!
@Samisaboysname Ugh Tide Pods! They’re trying to steal our souls.
@liznewspaper And replace them with nightmarescapes designed by the cast of Extreme Home Makeover out of their minds on acid.
@Samisaboysname Exactly. When the Tide Pods rule the world we will all live in Dali paintings and be super asymmetrically psyched about it.
@Samisaboysname Hey! I think I see your laundry basket, are you here?
@liznewspaper Oh no, I’m not. My brother is staying with me, so he’s probably using it.
@Samisaboysname Oh okay fun!
@liznewspaper Not really. He’s in a fight with his girlfriend because he let some other chick shave off his Mohawk. #crazystupidlove
@Samisaboysname Oh I see. Well I just started my new job, so I will have a lot more laundry to do. Hopefully I’ll see you there soon.
@liznewspaper Congrats! But why so much more laundry? Are you a blood spatter analyst? If so, I’d really love to watch you eat breakfast.
@Samisaboysname Elementary Art teacher. But I caught that Dexter reference. #tonightsthenight
@Samisaboysname OMG did you see the season premiere last night? Deb! Dexter! LaGuerta!
@liznewspaper I did & liked it. People really love to talk smack about the show, but I think they’re just afraid of being behind the curve!
@Samisaboysname Or they’re jealous of Quinn’s cheekbones.
@liznewspaper Yeah, or Deb’s wardrobe!
@Samisaboysname Maybe we should actually watch the next one together, you know, like real humans instead of Twitter cyborgs?
@liznewspaper Oh, sure that sounds like fun.
@liznewspaper She loves him! Ahhhhh she finally said it.
@Samisaboysname Hey yeah I’m watching too. It’s crazy.
@liznewspaper Sorry, I’ve been away for work again. They actually wanted me to move to London.
@Samisaboysname Oh no biggie! That’s cool. Are you going to go?
@liznewspaper I told them no. I just don’t feel like I’m done with New York, you know?
@Samisaboysname That season finale was incredible.
@liznewspaper Yeah, it was pretty surprising — what a twist.
@Samisaboysname You’re right. You know, we could probably just discuss this in person.
@liznewspaper Do you mean because you’re sitting on the couch next to me?
@Samisaboysname But I’m not anymore. As you can plainly see, I’m now walking down the hall to my bedroom. Put your phone down and come here.
@Samisaboysname Thanks for the follow.