The Basics: Curating Your Wardrobe In A Web Of Abundance
Believe it or not, fear of missing out (FOMO) also extends to our online shopping habits. We love updating our wardrobes, but we find the process a little daunting because the web is abundant with retailers. Even trying to define our style is a chore because with every hit of the refresh button, we discover new inspiration for our fashion evolution. This notion of abundance may be comforting to those who love the hunt, but infinite choices and worries about missing out on something better is stressing us out. How many of us have fallen down the endless rabbit hole that is Pinterest in the name of inspiration? In the end, were we inspired or just plain overwhelmed? OVERWHELMED.
Online shopping is fun and we’re not about to let frustration take the wind out of our hot air balloons (metaphorically speaking). Here are 5 basic steps to help you cruise through this web of abundance — streamlining your choices and leaving you happy with your purchase.
It’s easy to get carried away and attempt to consider every option available because you worry about missing something better. This is not feasible. Accept that you may miss something better or you may not. So what? Adhering to a smart online shopping strategy is the more reasonable thing to do.
Pinterest is a fantastic tool…in moderation. We strongly recommend keeping at least 6 feet between you and that rabbit hole though. Allow the daily perusal of your favorite sites to inspire you and pin images that grab your attention. Fashion-related or not, pin it if it brings you joy. Pretty soon, your pins will help you discover cohesive themes. Maybe you’re smitten with geometric shapes and ethereal colors? Who knew you had a thing for European farmhouses? You have a very keen eye; let your aesthetic influence your style.
Less is more. Select 3-5 sites to shop. Some of our favorites are: ASOS, Piperlime, The Outnet, J.Crew, and Shopbop. These sites offer comprehensive selections, editorial picks and they have frequent sales. Don’t attempt to shop more than 5 sites in one stretch. You run the risk of being so discouraged that you gloss over a great item and impulse buy a t-shirt adorned with “Holla” instead.
The crew of online retailers you’ve chosen is top-notch, you’re mindful of prices, and you’ve pinpointed your style. Trust that you will make the best purchase. After all, your forethought would impress even the most organized lady’s maid from Downton Abbey.
Strategy aside, there is no way of predicting that moment when the searching pays off and you see something that makes you say, “oooh…pretty.” That’s love. Filling your closet with items that showcase your style is a tremendous feat — a clever mixture of 90 percent strategy + 10 percent love.
Hopefully, these steps will keep FOMO away from your online shopping adventures. When you let the abundance fade away, like the subtle notes of your favorite perfume, you will discover the best choices for you.
Happy online shopping!