The Best Relationship Of Your Life Will Be With Someone Who Has A Small Circle Of Friends


The best relationship of your life will be with someone who has a small circle of friends. Someone who doesn’t have a million numbers stored in their phone, but is able to call up any single person in their contacts at any time of night, because they only spend time with people who matter.

Date someone who admires quality above quantity. Someone who would rather have three real friends than a thousand friends who never talk about anything deeper than the weather.

The best relationship of your life will be with someone who has a small circle of friends, because they know the importance of intimacy. They would rather sit down one-on-one with a close friend and have a serious discussion than be lost in a sea of people and only get one superficial sentence into the conversation.

Date someone who would rather get lunch with their best friend than get wasted with thirty random acquaintances. Date someone who would rather have a small birthday celebration with the ones who care about them than get a million birthday messages on social media from people they barely know. Date someone who would rather keep things simple than look like a party animal.

The best relationship of your life will be with someone who has a small circle of friends, because you will have an easier time adjusting to their world. It won’t take you years to meet everyone. You can all hang out together. You can ease yourself into the group and feel comfortable in the process.

Date someone who forms long-lasting relationships, because it means they are unafraid of commitment. Date someone who has known most of their closest friends since kindergarten or high school or their first part-time job. Someone who makes a point to keep in touch with the people they love, even if they live in separate states and lead busy lives.

The best relationship of your life will be with someone who appreciates every single person in their world. Someone who only has a few friends, but can tell detailed stories about every single one. Someone who knows how to make each individual laugh and shake their head and feel better about themselves, because they don’t just have the title of friends. They are actually true blue friends.

Never mistake someone with a small group of friends for a hermit without any social skills, because chances are, their friendships are tighter than someone with a thousand ‘friends’. Chances are, they are the kind of person you should keep close.

They might not be a social butterfly, but they don’t need to be because they are already surrounded by people they can trust. People who won’t gossip about them. People who won’t betray them. People who they can count on.

They don’t feel the need to make new friends everywhere they go, because they already have more than they could ever ask for.

The best relationship of your life will be with someone who has a small circle of friends, because they will value you. They will stay loyal to you. They will appreciate what they have.