The Difference Between Him Liking Your Body And Liking Your Personality
When he only likes your body, he is going to spam your photos with likes. He is going to text you at two in the morning when he is blackout drunk. He is going to watch all of your stories and privately message you about how gorgeous your eyes are and how sexy your outfits are and how beautiful you are as a whole.
When he only likes your body, he is going to invite you over at the last second, after seeing an attractive photo of you, so you can drink with him alone in his apartment. He is going to bring you directly to the bedroom. He is going to put his hands on you without any pacing. He is going to make a move before you get fully comfortable around him.
When he only likes your body, he is going to rotate in and out of your world like he’s moving through a revolving door. He is going to flirt with you like crazy one day and turn invisible the next day. He is going to send mixed signals that you have trouble interpreting.
When he only likes your body, your sexual chemistry will be off the charts. You will be on top of each other every time you see each other. He will find any excuse to get you to stop talking so he can put his hands on you.
When he likes your body and your personality, he is still going to give you compliments, but they will be more diverse. There will be days when he mentions how good you look, but there will also be days when he talks about how much fun you are and how comfortable you make him feel and how he wants to spend every moment with you.
When he likes your personality, he is going to kiss you and touch you as much as possible, but there will be moments in between where he wants to talk instead. Sex won’t be his only form of intimacy. He will enjoy cuddling with you, even if your clothes are on. He will like being around you, even if there is no chance of getting laid that night.
When he likes your personality, he is going to have deeper conversations with you than what’s good. He is going to ask you personal questions and share his own history. He is not going to sketchily avoid certain topics. He is not going to withhold information. He is going to remain open with you. He is going to let his heart drop to his sleeve.
When he likes your personality, he will be there for you during your worst moments. He will still show his face during your meltdowns. He won’t run away when you stop acting lighthearted and fun because you are busy breaking apart. He will want to stick by your side, no matter what happens.
When he only likes your body, you will get to have him for a night or two. But when he likes your personality, you will have him for a lifetime.