The Internet Is Live-Tweeting Jared Fogle’s Trial And The Details Are Horrifying


Jared Fogle is the former Subway frontman who is facing charges related to having sex with minors. Because of his public image as a “smiley happy” symbol for healthy sandwiches, the world was shocked when his home was raided last summer, and we have all been watching his legal journey since.

Today was Jared Fogle’s trial, and while cameras are not permitted in courtrooms, the users on Twitter told us the whole story.

Everything began with his official arrival:

And then the details started pouring in:

And the details kept pouring.

Phycologist Rick May and psychiatrist John Bradford, testified for the defense. They attempted to explain some of Fogle’s “behaviors” and present mitigating factors for his reprehensible crimes:

Throughout the day, other horrifying details came to light as well:

The defense is urging leniency for Fogle, asking for the legal minimum time in jail:

Then, with little warning, Jared Fogle personally stood up in the courtroom to defend himself.

But the judge wasn’t having that line of sympathy, firing back —

But Fogle continues:

Concluding by saying:

Fogle’s statement lasted about five minutes, and according to those watching was said through tears.

People have a lot of feelings about the trial. Pretty strong feelings:

The trial is about to conclude, with Fogle facing up to 50 years in prison, though the defense, of course, is arguing for much less. We will update this post with the verdict once it is known!