The Man Who’s Been Haunted By Creepy Child Ghost ‘Dear David’ Just Tweeted A Mysterious New Video
If you haven’t been following Adam Ellis’s addicting chronicle about being haunted by a creep child ghost named Dear David, you’re going to want to start now. He’s been tweeting the story since August and since then he’s collected a ton of weird videos and photos that’ll make your hair stand on end. Let’s just say that Adam is either a genius for putting together this incredible hoax or he is definitely, 100% going to die.
His posts lately have been sparse, but every now and then he’ll update with something small. Recently, for instance, he noticed something particularly weird about his Instagram story.
So on Sunday I opened Twitter intending to update you all that it was over, or at least I thought so. I just want things to go back to the way they were, and it seemed like they had. I was writing something to that effect when I noticed I had way more notifications than usual.
— Adam Ellis (@adamtotscomix) January 17, 2018
I swiped to my mentions and saw that everyone was tweeting to me about something I'd posted to my Instagram Story the day before, saying they saw something weird. The stories are expired now but I have screenshots, and I don't know how to explain it.
— Adam Ellis (@adamtotscomix) January 17, 2018
Long story short, I went to brunch on Saturday with a friend. I posted a few photos to my story, and they were fairly unremarkable. Here's the first two I posted. Totally dumb and normal.
— Adam Ellis (@adamtotscomix) January 17, 2018
They're totally boring brunch photos. I posted one more photo of me and my friend before leaving, and that was that. But the next day I had a zillion messages about the third photo I posted. People had taken screenshots and sent them to me.
— Adam Ellis (@adamtotscomix) January 17, 2018
This is what somehow got uploaded to my Instagram story:
— Adam Ellis (@adamtotscomix) January 17, 2018
The warped photo kinda makes him look a little like Dear David, huh? Adam, though, was trying to play it cool, even though it’s creepy AF.
I have no clue what happened. It looked perfectly fine on my phone when I uploaded it. I'd say it was just a glitch but I can't make sense of what's happening with my face.
— Adam Ellis (@adamtotscomix) January 17, 2018
Maybe I can. I know what it looks like. What it probably is. But I don't know if I care anymore. I really just want things to be normal again and things feel normal enough right now. I don't know. I guess I'll keep you updated if something else happens.
— Adam Ellis (@adamtotscomix) January 17, 2018
People speculated that David found a way to mess with his Instagram, though the whole thing does sound a little suspicious. If true, though, it would totally make sense why Adam tweeted out this very random video of his cat freaking out:
— Adam Ellis (@adamtotscomix) January 28, 2018
Unlike the rest of Adam’s updates, this one came without other tweets or an explanation of what was going on. Which makes us wonder: did Adam tweet it at all?
— Katie (@WoeItsKatie) January 28, 2018
Omg why do I feel like Adam isn’t the one who posted this……..
— Tima💕 (@Tima0613) January 28, 2018
It didn’t take people very long to start analyzing the video for clues, but we weren’t left with a lot to work with.
hi what is this
— mya (TAYLOR’S VERSION) | SEEING TAY 2/3 AND 7/3 (@swiftstruffles) January 28, 2018
The cats face at the end 😂
— Laura (@LauraIsNora) January 28, 2018
Okay, Adam, you gotta stop keeping us in the dark like this. Are you okay? Tweet once for yes, twice for no.