The New Year Welcomes You


The new year welcomes
the ancient in you
the fierce in you
the gentle leader in you
the lover and the listener in you

The new year welcomes
the magic in you
the wisdom of your storied soul
the quiet forgiveness
of the pain in you
and the unfolding beauty in you

The new year welcomes
the mountains in you
that stand within
the strengths of vulnerability
gazing lovingly
at the star lite horizon in you

The new year welcomes
the wildness in you
that moves waves and rides them
and dances on the surface of
the ever moving seas

The new year welcomes
the wisher in you
that dreams up possibilities
and nurtures them into existence

The new year welcomes
the believer of the imagination in you
that unfolds pages
and releases words
and shares wisdom
from the deep

The new year welcomes
the dancer in you
that steps with hope
and moves with passion
that moves with purpose
and moves with grace

The new year welcomes
the creative in you
that paints a thousand lands
and welcomes all its moons

The new year welcomes
the holder in you
that stands with understanding
and welcomes in belonging
with an openness
and a softened touch

The new year welcomes
the child in you that sees clearly
that sees deeply
that honors the beauty
of your truth

The new year welcomes
the truth in you
that evolves into being
being grounded
being gentle
being full
being your all
so you can be let go
and be let right back in

The new year welcomes
all of you
just as you are
gently held in
this earth of wisdom

The new year welcomes you
just as you are
you in your fullest
you without disguise
just you
in your beauty
in your inherent uniqueness

This new year welcomes you
with love, with joy
with an openness to understand
with an acceptance
to get closer
to what it is that moves you
in this world

This new year welcomes
you, just as you are

This new year welcomes you