The Story Behind This Photo Of A 90-Year-Old Veteran Standing For President Obama Will Bring Tears To Your Eyes


The above picture from 2012 has recently resurfaced, and the event it captured will probably bring tears to your eyes.

The man in the wheelchair is 90-year-old World War 2 veteran, Archie Hackney.

While Hackney is generally wheelchair bound, when he saw the President of the United States, he pushed himself up to stand for the Commander-in-Chief. This is the first time Hackney has ever met a sitting President.

“You don’t have to do that,” President Obama said as he saw Hackney standing.

“No sir,” Hackney replied, “You’re the President.”

The photo, two years later, still deeply resonates with people, which is probably why it has begun to go viral again.

We live in an era that is so incredibly politicized we allow blind hatred prevent us from respecting people and offices in the manner we should. I am guilty of this just as much as anyone else, but not Archie Hackney, who — regardless of his political affiliation — gave the President the respect that is due.